Concebido para o movimento
Os padrões de compressão patenteados da Lasso treinam e activam o seu corpo para se mover adequadamente. Além disso, eles sentem-se surpreendentes.
Fita Encontra Meias

Os nossos padrões de compressão patenteados imitam os benefícios da fita de cinesiologia.

Melhor Movimento. Medicamente provado.

Num estudo de 35 atletas, com 12 outras marcas de meias, a Lasso Socks demonstrou ter a maior influência objectiva em todo o sistema músculo-esquelético através dos receptores do pé. De facto, os atletas da experiência também notaram tempos de recuperação mais curtos devido à compressão graduada dentro da Lasso Socks.

A Lasso Socks foi testada por Domenico Gurzi, Chefe de Ciência Desportiva e Biomecânica do Movimento Humano da IBS Gesundheit GmbH. Domenico é um conhecido cientista que avalia o desempenho desportivo e os produtos de movimento das melhores marcas do mundo.

Lasso Socks Train Your Feet To Perform Better

Our graduated compression helps improve blood circulation and reduces swelling to improve performance and recovery time. Lasso's SmartSupport weave structure improves musculoskeletal alignment by supporting the arch, foot and ankle to improve foot load distribution and train your feet to perform as intended in order to prevent strain, pain and stress to the lower body.

The Importance of Support and Compression

The arch of your foot is designed so that it can bear your body weight and absorb shock when you’re active. From the ground up, your feet and arches are intended to create balance and provide stabilization for the entire body.

Arch support improves stability and thrust by distributing pressure evenly across your feet and creating optimal foot pronation. When the pressure is even across your feet, you establish functional pronation and your foot is able to act as intended to create improved alignment of your entire body. Functional pronation of the arch can improve your posture and your sense of balance due to even support.

Without arch support, your feet may tire easily, especially during activity. It can also cause pain in the arches and heels because the lack of support strains muscles and ligaments. Poor foot arch support can also lead to abnormal stress on the knee and hip, causing discomfort and pain in these joints as well. Feet can overpronate causing uneven weight distribution and misalignment of the ankles and legs thus causing knee and hip stress.

Lasso socks create functional pronation by supporting the foot medial arch and distributing foot pressure evenly through the foot. This creates the ideal shock absorption and pressure distribution of your foot load to provide better balance and stability to the entire body.

By creating functional pronation and by adding ankle kinesiology tape style support, Lasso socks stabilize the flexor hallucis longus muscle and helps align the vertical leg axis to prevent stress to the knee and hips.

Without compression, blood will settle and pool in your lower legs during activity. This pooling causes swelling of the the feet and ankles and reduces the amount of blood returning to the heart and brain. It will also slow down recovery time as fresh oxygenated blood struggles to return and help with repair and recovery.

Lasso's performance compression swaddles your joints, ligaments and tendons for support while preventing blood from settling in the feet and ankles.